Red Fox
By: Rania Z
Age: 10
San Francisco, CA USA
By: Rania Z
Age: 10
San Francisco, CA USA
Sneaky and awesome, the Red Fox is one of nature’s most magnificent animals. Red Foxes live throughout the U.S., Asia, Europe and Canada, in woodlands and farmland. Their scientific name is Vulpes Vulpes. Their Diet consists of lizards, rodents, rabbits, snakes, voles, hares, carrions, small birds, earthworms, fish, mollusks, mice, fruits and berries. They also eat fungi and grass.
What’s not to love about a Red Fox? First of all it is an amazing hunter, any rodent would have to be scared of this sneaky killing machine. Also Red foxes moved right in with humans! They aren’t on bad terms with humans and you might even get to see one. All these qualities make the Red Fox the amazing animal in the history of amazing animals.
One reason Red Foxes are so awesome is because they are great hunters. In winter when the ground is covered by snow, they can feel motion beneath the surface of the snow and pounce on whatever is there. What is really amazing is that they can hear noises coming under three feet of snow. This tactic is known as mousing has made Red Foxes famous. Scientists believe they are using Earth magnetic field. In other words, Red foxes have a better chance of catching prey when they are facing north than when they are facing south. This relates to the Red Fox being the best animal because they are such amazing hunters.
Another reason Red foxes are so awesome is because they moved right in with humans. Many creatures die because of deforestation, we can't afford to have another animal on the extinction list. But never fear Red Foxes are here! These animals are perfectly happy in your backyard if you live in their habitats. Now some people might say Red Foxes are a nuisance sneaking in into your backyards and eating the remains of your trash. But this proves that you should put a lid on your trash bins so that no animals have a night party in your backyard.
Lastly, Red Foxes are awesome creatures because they are very crafty. Watch the video below
Click on this link: Red Fox Hunting
As awesome as Red Foxes are, they are killed because of road incidents and many more kinds of ways. So let’s be careful the next time we are on their territory, after all, we are the trespassers to them!
National Geographic. “Red Fox (vulpes vulpes).” National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 2015. Web. 14 July. 2015.
National Wildlife Federation. “Red Fox.” National Wildlife Federation. National Wildlife Federation, 2015. Web. 14 July. 2015.
Discovery. Fox Dives Headfirst Into Snow (North America). YouTube, 2013. Web.
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What’s not to love about a Red Fox? First of all it is an amazing hunter, any rodent would have to be scared of this sneaky killing machine. Also Red foxes moved right in with humans! They aren’t on bad terms with humans and you might even get to see one. All these qualities make the Red Fox the amazing animal in the history of amazing animals.
One reason Red Foxes are so awesome is because they are great hunters. In winter when the ground is covered by snow, they can feel motion beneath the surface of the snow and pounce on whatever is there. What is really amazing is that they can hear noises coming under three feet of snow. This tactic is known as mousing has made Red Foxes famous. Scientists believe they are using Earth magnetic field. In other words, Red foxes have a better chance of catching prey when they are facing north than when they are facing south. This relates to the Red Fox being the best animal because they are such amazing hunters.
Another reason Red foxes are so awesome is because they moved right in with humans. Many creatures die because of deforestation, we can't afford to have another animal on the extinction list. But never fear Red Foxes are here! These animals are perfectly happy in your backyard if you live in their habitats. Now some people might say Red Foxes are a nuisance sneaking in into your backyards and eating the remains of your trash. But this proves that you should put a lid on your trash bins so that no animals have a night party in your backyard.
Lastly, Red Foxes are awesome creatures because they are very crafty. Watch the video below
Click on this link: Red Fox Hunting
As awesome as Red Foxes are, they are killed because of road incidents and many more kinds of ways. So let’s be careful the next time we are on their territory, after all, we are the trespassers to them!
National Geographic. “Red Fox (vulpes vulpes).” National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 2015. Web. 14 July. 2015.
National Wildlife Federation. “Red Fox.” National Wildlife Federation. National Wildlife Federation, 2015. Web. 14 July. 2015.
Discovery. Fox Dives Headfirst Into Snow (North America). YouTube, 2013. Web.
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